
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

i have not seen a snowflake melt to say that it melted for you
and i have not strayed so i could tread upon a golden leaf - a crunch - in autumn hues 
       - or snow capped mountains in all their pride,
         or the baldness of a winter tree
            because you might say to me
that i could've looked and looked, in winter boots and foggy breath - and thought
of you and me; 
        still God gave me words, the Sun and the day, 
the night and the stars and the wandering voice of baked-skinned street vendors
coming my way
     and an embrace, or someone's whispers into a listening ear, a smile 
     and the honking cars, and Living streets, perhaps a garland-selling child
and scents of spices and flowers climbing up the wall of my own backyard
                                                          (they fold perfectly into verses) -
i have not less, i need not more
for a thing like love could never be lonely; the skies will clear and the birds will sing
and for beautiful hearts, there'll be beautiful things
 always, my love -

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Letter To No One.

Dear You,

Couldn't I just be perfectly ordinary? Couldn't I just answer unasked questions with a smile and laugh at every joke that comes my way? I could listen and I could listen. I could look and I could look and sit cross-legged on familiar floors, in company of other crossed legs, and feel every bit of wonder hurled my way by pairs of eyes and animated hands that might not even know that they could be Great, and that they were created nothing less. That they share something truly amazing with people who were Great before them, and have been Great in their time - that they were created by God. And God? He wouldn't, couldn't create you and me anything less than wonderful. We can be Great, you know.

But I'd rather stroll on sidelines, let my gaze stray, smile once in a while and sit down with much grace, and with one of those beautiful sighs, that pretty girls in pretty movies sigh. Peace comes and it goes. And sometimes I'm the one closing doors on peace. Because I've known love, and known it by heart, but I choose to clothe it with misery when I need everything to sting. But I do not need everything to sting, and sometimes I can't make myself understand that. But God knows. He knows that I grow out of it. A better person each time. And how would I know about where to go if I do not go wrong. It is all quite alright. Wherever I'm going, I'm on my way.

God also knows that my heart grew ears when I sat cross legged yet again, last Saturday, but I was not required to speak. For I'd been hearing of reward and mistakes and of the people of Alhamdulilah. Those who struggle for their cause in rows after rows, and tower above them all like a Wall in all their being, never faltering. God knows that I have wanted, that I  have craved for the strength to be dignified in what I do and that my mind wanders again and again to the promises I'd been promised - the success of Now & Then. Infinite success. And I have longed for the courage to put up a good fight against all Bad that will not cease to grip me and my Good, and for the courage to struggle. I have wished for Infinite Success and I have wished for the courage to attain it. You and me, we could struggle and we could struggle for good. We could.

I believe in words, I believe in greatness. I believe in those pink-cotton candy clouds that cloud my brain every now and then to eventually make way for new words and sounds and thoughts and scents. A new day. I am grateful for new days and smiles. And I dreamt of losing the ability to sleep, so I must let the world know that for sleep and blankets and prayer rugs, I am infinitely blessed.

Thank you for listening.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

i will watch in secrecy
while Time prolongs the End
- to watch myself as i fall
each time, with more intent -
(i have learnt to imitate the air of
indifference, but of a different kind )
i give, you do not take and
 i break for breaking's sake
but what are you? what have you?
that i sleep walk unto my ache
and like the scarcely lit sky
barring day from night
i will not be, but i will be there
i will not care that you do not care
or know; 
solace - perhaps, up in a tree
with a wooden flute that belongs to me
i will sing  of you and me
and i will sing solo

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Letter To No One.

Dear You,

It's been a busy Saturday. I see my dupatta soaring on the clothing line and the slightly disheveled cat looking at with great interest. Even though the winter winds are being stubborn, Noise has learnt to intervene and it isn't quiet anymore. It's been rather loud, and the kind of loud that I am grateful for. I could never hate the tinkle of laughter adorning the rattles of a sewing machine and wonderful faces and souls to accompany every bit of joy that comes their way.

But I am to grow, and I am to feel and learn to ache. I am to spring and wilt and shed myself away in words, because that is what everybody says. Come what may, I am never going to stop believing that all the Bad in the world exists only in itself, that it is detachable and that it can never devour Me or You as a whole. Because there is good. And God created it permanent. In me. You. Us. And that I can hear it and see it if I listen and I look.

People and places have been on my mind and it is sad. It is sad when you know they are there but they've grown blurry and distorted inside of your thoughts and you can't see them. But I love their silhouettes, still; it is enough to remind me that I've shared my sunshine with them, and that it felt beautiful.

Maybe I will let loose and you will know me as the girl who rode the breeze and grazed her knees because she shut her eyes and ran. I could, and I would, run and I'd run till someone called me back. But that is a dream and I must remember to dream it when I do not have piles of homework to conquer.

Today brought me a heartfelt narration of a grief stricken woman, who I imagined to be wrapped in a brown shawl with sequins falling off. Ammi said she'd been crying because she said the doctor prescribed her a medicine that cost her two hundred rupees. And she did not have two hundred rupees. And it made her cry. God works in strange ways and He puts people and places in perfect order, so that they come and they go just in time. Nobody should ever forget that there is God and He listens, because The Woman In The Brown Shawl got her medicine and she prayed because she was happy.

For everything; for books and sounds, for two hundred rupees and for the roof above my head - I am infinitely grateful, I am infinitely blessed.

Thank You for listening.


Friday, February 3, 2012


"And I've traced out brilliance in people. It lives in their smiles and it laughs in their words and you know it when you see it. And all such brilliance stares me in the face and I wonder if I am a part of it, too. Because I know that I tend to be a bit like a sentence left unfinished; but I think there is someone or something wonderful living inside me. It speaks and I hear and nobody knows a thing. And I feel brilliance within that can and will never be part of the words I speak and the ones I don't.

Because I looked into the mirror, I stared into my own eyes and I felt strikingly aware of the skin stretching from my head to my toe. And I looked. And I looked. And I looked until I felt that I did not belong to myself. I looked until I felt I was living inside me.

I've been told of beautiful souls - and you and I, I think - we're faces, voices, hands, feet and smiles for our own. And to have been sculpted by the God of the winter breeze talking in hushed voices on a starlit night - our souls have been nothing less than beautiful.

We're miracles, you and I. I have put all my faith in the day when we un-belong to everything that was never ours. Something comes along, and restores my belief and all my hopes in Forever."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

but have you known me?
have you known me at all
have you loved what you had but hadn't at all
have you lived for the night, have you died in its wake
have you withered and bloomed, have you sprouted at all
have you belonged to a story you have written yourself
have you scripted the ending, have you read it at all 
have you known that i live, that i breathe what you breathe
have you seen yourself in me, have you seen me at all