
Friday, February 3, 2012


"And I've traced out brilliance in people. It lives in their smiles and it laughs in their words and you know it when you see it. And all such brilliance stares me in the face and I wonder if I am a part of it, too. Because I know that I tend to be a bit like a sentence left unfinished; but I think there is someone or something wonderful living inside me. It speaks and I hear and nobody knows a thing. And I feel brilliance within that can and will never be part of the words I speak and the ones I don't.

Because I looked into the mirror, I stared into my own eyes and I felt strikingly aware of the skin stretching from my head to my toe. And I looked. And I looked. And I looked until I felt that I did not belong to myself. I looked until I felt I was living inside me.

I've been told of beautiful souls - and you and I, I think - we're faces, voices, hands, feet and smiles for our own. And to have been sculpted by the God of the winter breeze talking in hushed voices on a starlit night - our souls have been nothing less than beautiful.

We're miracles, you and I. I have put all my faith in the day when we un-belong to everything that was never ours. Something comes along, and restores my belief and all my hopes in Forever."


Deviation said...

One of the best pieces I've read in a long time, the depth, the abstractness. You've added more than your words to it, may be a little part of your soul.

& Once again you rock my mind with beautifully crafted words of time. ;)

I'm Aaisha said...

^ Thank you so much! I appreciate all the kind words!

Tuba Khan said...

This was so deep and beautiful. You deserve a big hug.

Kashaf A. said...



I'm Aaisha said...

@Tuba : I love you! :D Thank you.

@ME: Thankyou for reading and for the kind words. <3