
Sunday, February 19, 2012

i will watch in secrecy
while Time prolongs the End
- to watch myself as i fall
each time, with more intent -
(i have learnt to imitate the air of
indifference, but of a different kind )
i give, you do not take and
 i break for breaking's sake
but what are you? what have you?
that i sleep walk unto my ache
and like the scarcely lit sky
barring day from night
i will not be, but i will be there
i will not care that you do not care
or know; 
solace - perhaps, up in a tree
with a wooden flute that belongs to me
i will sing  of you and me
and i will sing solo


Deviation said...

So that's how you do it: Take a few words & pour soul into them. I get it, really.

I'm Aaisha said...

^ Haha. I suppose you've found me out. :D

Tuba Khan said...
