She lay in bed that night, with an empty feeling consuming all her body. It floated through every high and every low, pervading every inch of her existence. She was lost. Within and without - she was lost. She could hardly deal with the fact that she had lost, she was lost and she was losing so much more.She remembered those nights she'd spent tossing and turning, the possibilities of following tomorrows plaguing her mind. Now that those feelings had forsaken her, she actually thought that they were better than this feeling of nothingness. That sense of purpose was lost. She'd been beaten.Those days and hours spent walking in and out of offices trying to get papers ready, trying, struggling, striving; tackling legal matters and preparing herself for the worst. And then ofcourse, the court trial that had ended earlier today. She had lost and lost herself in the process. Somehow, her brain could not register the fact that she had lost the case. She had lost the custody of her very own child.Another toss, another turn. Somehow, inside her mind, she was taken back twenty two years ago.8 years old, she could vividly picture herself sitting beside a flower pot in the garden and crying uncontrollably. And then her Dad appeared. The images slowly formed and some bits and pieces of the conversation came back. Something had retained though - something important."Honey, Sierra will come back if she's supposed to.""But she's lost Daddy. What if she's hungry? What if a cruel cat napper's caught her? Daddy, I want Sierra back!"The tears had formed again.Dad had looked in the distance. She had sniffed loudly to remind him she was still there. Dad had looked at her again and said, "You know what they always say? If something's truly yours, it will find it's way back to you again. Sure, she's lost, but there's only so much you can do."She'd scooted close to him and he'd put his arm around her, kissing her on the top of her head."Sometimes you've to let go. Sometimes it's the only way things can work out. Sometimes you just have to let go of the bad parts, and keep all the good ones. Sometimes that's the only way left." Daddy had seemed to be speaking to himself more than her, and she could even see a tear glistening in his eye. She'd been really confused, failing to understand one bit.But she wasn't confused now. She understood.The pictures in her thoughts dissolved. She closed her eyes.That night she dreamt of a happy, smiling child that she knew was hers.
"And I know that I will do more than just pass through this life, I'll leave nothing less than something that says I was here, I was here, I was here."
Monday, February 28, 2011
Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
Every time.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Day 1.
"For a time, then we stay - for a time. Until the wind changes again and blows us into a world entirely different." She had that same mystical whisper, and then, she smiled. It was creepy.My mom had been a complete mystery to me. For one, she wasn't really my 'Mom'. Just a stranger that had picked us from the orphanage, and I'd known little about her ever since because I could see that she was practically insane. She left all of us in huge dilemmas, but ofcourse, I've come to love every bit of that. Don't get me wrong. She makes me think. I like her. Alot.Us. I haven't really defined that, have I? Us basically means Carter, Rose and Me. Carter is my twin. She thinks I'm a weirdo. It's because I always have my face buried in a book, and I'm always the loner at school. Carter, on the other hand is 'all that'. Carter doesn't spend her nights reading, she goes out and does stuff I have a pretty good idea about. Even in her insanity, I really do think Mom gets worried. You'd think she'd be more thankful, since Mom took us in and all, but Carter doesn't care. Carter doesn't care for anyone. But she's been with me, so when I occasionally get along with her, I like her. I can't help it.Rose has been with us since forever. She met Mom at college and has been with her ever since. If it hadn't been for Rose I don't think we would've grown up at all. She works at a coffee shop, so she has busy evenings, but she always comes home with a great big smile. Sometimes I find her crying alone, but I don't intrude. Always smiling must be really, really tiring. I think she 'gets' Mom. I don't know why she likes being with us when she's got a whole world out there to venture into. We're strange people and somehow she likes being part of the strangeness. Rose is in her mid forties, so all she has is us, and all we have is her. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her. I'd probably be a midget or something.And then there was me. I'm Sam, short for Samantha. I'm 16 and I'm just as strange as the people I live with. That's really all I can say.Anyway, like I was telling you - it was creepy."Where do we 'stay' Mom?"It was a pretty relevant question, considering we'd been living here in this rusty, dusty apartment for as long as Carter & I had been living.Mom spaced out. Like always. Rose hushed me away. Like always. So I shrugged, sighed and decided to find something else to do - like always.The Window. It had always been my refuge. I liked to capitalize it with bold letters in my diary because I liked it so much. It was beautiful, with a great big arch and a glass panel that had been scratched and damaged through passing years. But still it was beautiful. I liked imagining stories about all the people that passed by and wondered about what their lives were like. It was simply my refuge and I can't explain it otherwise. I told that to Carter once, and she thought it was really weird of me. I may be weird, but I guess I like it."To the Window!" I thought to myself and smiled. The Window was my friend. I'd decided that everything that made me think a good thought was my friend - and that I loved it.Rose had made the window sill more comfortable for me. It was quite wide, so she'd laid down two thick woolen sheets, and a cushion on either side. It was lovely, really.The majestic green curtains seemed welcoming. They always did. I liked to think they were huge drapes, the ones you see in movies, hinting and welcoming the beholder to the beautiful sights beyond.I smiled again. The curtains were my friend, too. They made me smile.I drew them very slowly, and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, my eyes beheld that hustling bustling view of the neighborhood that I'd come to know and love immensely.I smiled again.I sat myself on the window sill, adjusting the cushions behind me, then lay back and took it all in. My eyes instantly fell upon an old lady, coughing and wheezing, slowly making her way through the stoned footpath. The people passing by took no notice, everyone was too busy with their own lives, but there the old woman was. I don't think she had much more to live - or much to live for anyway.I found myself whispering, "Stay strong.."At that point, Mom's words came back to me. For a time, then we stay - for a time. Until the wind changes again and blows us into a world entirely different. I sat up, and looked at the old woman more intensely. She was only halfway through the footpath."For a time, then, you stay - for a time. Until the wind changes and blows you into a world entirely different," I whispered again.She shouldn't worry, I told myself. Her time will come. Her wind will change soon. She's just got to keep holding on until then. I traced my finger at the point on the window where I saw here shuffling through the crowd. At that moment, somehow, she vanished into the next corner of the street.I lay back again, and found a tear rolling down my cheek.My Mom wasn't so insane after all.
Friday, February 25, 2011
30 day challenge.
Day 1 —Select a book at random in the room. Find a novel or short story, copy down the last sentence and use this line as the first line of your new story.
Day 2 —Tell about a character who lost something important to him/her.
Day 3 —Write about the worst time you’ve ever put your foot in your mouth.
Day 4 —Write a story/excerpt to include the line, “Sorry, we can’t insure you for a journey like that.”
Day 5 —Pick a letter of the alphabet. Now imagine two aisles of your local supermarket. List everything found in those two aisles that begin with that letter of the alphabet.
Day 6 —Write about a person who would buy all of those items in Day 5.
Day 7 —What sets you apart from the crowd?
Day 8 —Tell your life story from someone else’s point of view.
Day 9 —What was your favorite childhood toy?
Day 10 —What do you want to be remembered for?
Day 12 —What is your favorite day of the week?
Day 13 —Write about a random picture you would find in an envelope of finished prints at Costco.
Day 14 —Elvis still gets 100 Valentines each year. Tell about one of the people who sent one.
Day 15 — Create a character who is falsely accused of a crime.
Day 16 —If we assume ghosts are real, what type of ghost would you like to see?
Day 17 — Write a short scenario set in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant.
Day 18 —Take a reader behind the wheel with the worst driver you’ve ever known.
Day 19 —Write a list of 25 (or just 5!) things you want to do in your life.
Day 20 —If you could go on only one more vacation in your lifetime, where would you go and why?
Day 21 —Find a job ad in the paper. Write about your life if you had that job.
Day 22 —You wake up with a key gripped tightly in your hand. How did you get this key? What does it lock or unlock?
Day 23 —Pretend you’re a cartoon character. What type of a character would you be? What would a day in your life be like?
Day 24 —Write about the longest amount of time you’ve ever gone without sleeping.
Day 26 —Write about your worst habit.
Day 27 —Make up a near-death experience (unless you have a real one).
Day 28 —You read about yourself in your brother/sister, girlfriend/boyfriend’s diary. What did you read?
Day 29 —You are at a cemetery reading gravestones. Write about one of the people you find.
Day 30 —Write a short entry that ends with the line, “The silver dust of moonlight settled coldly on the night.
Okay, I know I seriously fail at doing these things, but this seems so much fun! =)
I can't forget, I don't regret.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Words fail.
We have lived.
Feels like Home.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A state of war.
His response after I mailed him. Yayyyy. =) I actually kind of sort of maybe like that poem now. =p =)
My Sweet Aasho,Had it not been you saying that it is your first attempt,I would not have believed that you did it at all.Very well done.What a good start.It is going to be start of an era.Hope you will keep it up.......just as your babajan did.......................................Salman
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
And still we hold on to yesterdays.
If it's any comfort.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 11.
Day 10.
14 Things.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
- Photography!!
- Nani's place. Nuff said.
- Working on a couple of bday gifts.
- Working on the school days montage video.
- Sketching!!