
Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Letter To No One.

Dear You,

We wait all day, all summer, all year for the perfect moment, the perfect time, the perfect day, the perfect summer  - and here it is, tapping us on the back of the shoulder but we wait and wait. For a moment today I saw it. I saw that here is the breathtaking summer I wished I would have. More on that later. And while winter is serene, calm, flicking it's fingers through the pages of fate almost effortlessly - summer is heavy-set and big. It's all around, with that stench of Eventfulness. Pungent happenings of summer that sweat with me in the sweltering heat. Oh, cacophony. And winter is the long, deep breath taken in - summer is the scream.

I grow with my story. I grow while I loiter on this particular summer day and take in the wonder. The wonder of it all. The ceiling fan buzzing with my thoughts and words, a blender grinding noisily, the only sound I heard while I fell in and out of love with silence and things. And welding dreams made out of evening breezes in the summer heat, all in my head. An exasperated sigh, an almost-scream, frustrated words, all giving into the noise of it all. Karachi letting all voices loose as summer gallops through the city.

A lot has been happening. I told you. I told you I would grow. And so much more to come. My God created summer and everything beautiful and full of stories. And I take in other people's words, trace their outlines with my fingers, taste the words in my head and I know why there are cracks, why tears and sobs and desperation are trying to speak through them. I know because I link it all back to where I know all the Solutions reside - the heavens. I believe, I do. So I take it all in and resolve to remember that I have two hands and they are powerful when they come together and pray. My friend says that hands fascinate her. She says they can do things. She is right. I am fascinated too.

Lend a ear and listen. To the wind and to the people because they were all created wondrous. A stray word, the possibility of comfort out of nowhere (but we all know it's God that makes us listen). I bundled up everything that happened yesterday with some words and snippets of a conversation I overheard by the sofa. My ears registered some things: The Battle of Badar, things happening before that - bad things, constant struggle, never losing hope, glory. Mayooosi. Disappointment. Chase it away. Good things happen. Have faith.

For goodness and for wonder, I am infinitely grateful - I am infinitely blessed. It's a wonderful life. Colour. Noise. Summer.

Look around.

Thank you for listening.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Letter To No One.

Dear You,

I've been meaning to write to you for a long time. I will make no excuses, and tell you that I only just built up the courage. Today has been good, it brought me laughter. Wonderful, warm laughter, the colour of love and of hope. And I took it all in, in large bites and breathed in the air while it was still ringing with joy and the winds were kind today because summer has taken to suffocate with me with words that I do not want to belong to me. And they take up the most space in my head and I dive head-first into the madness of my own being and I shed myself away until only I can hear me. I've always been quiet, serene to watching eyes and I will always will be. The chaos is inside and it will forever live there.

And I'm still trying to catch up with fate, while it brings me new stories and new people and other such universes. But I am thankful, I am, and I find infinity everywhere. I find it while resting my head against the window in a moving car and the infinite stories and secrets bundled in a corner of the roads, the houses, the very air that I take in. Then how could I be ordinary? How could you be ordinary? When we carry words at the tip of our tongues, and stories within our souls and gold carvings of love on our hearts - no, we could not be ordinary. Oh, these eyes have so much more to see and this soul has so much more to say and there is beauty in life, extra ordinary beauty, tragic beauty, and it is all for you and me. And don't you see the beauty in even our End being infinite? Oh, our ends, these words, our stories - praise be to God. This beauty can only belong to Him and it does and I am glad because I know He will keep it safe. And we will be alright. There is hope still, there is time still - it'll be okay.

Oh, I'll grow and grow and the heavens won't send down to me too great a burden to bear. What comes my way was always mine. Lingering piano notes in my ear and they let me hear what I want to, just like the wind. I'll be alright tonight, I have enough happiness to feed on. And I thank the heavens that I do and that there are beautiful people still. My prayers won't die down, no, they only grow stronger with time and with life. God will take me as I am, complete with my incoherence - I know He will. And I will grow and grow, and these hands will hold different things and touch different skins until they grow old and frail, but they'll still be mine and I will smile because I know that we made it through all of this madness and I was me all along. And I know now, that I will know then that I have strength and you have strength and it is great in magnitude and before you know it you'll be nearing the End, still breathing, still alive. You will smile and I will too, because we made it through all of this and we were always meant to get out alive until death greeted us with open arms. Oh, there is a greater plan - for you and for me.

Right now I do not care, for once I do not care if I sound beautiful but all I know is that I feel and I feel greatly and you've felt what I've felt, and I've felt what you've felt - and you're not alone because I know, I know that what it is, whatever it is, it is temporary and people can damage your knees and your elbows and even extend their reach to your heart. But they can never damage your soul and our souls and our sounds and our thoughts and our actions - that is what infinity is and God's infinity shall return to Him and Him alone. So it is alright. It's alright. There are mornings and there are sunrises and sunsets and plenty of words. And rain too, the smell of rain.

I am exhausted but my mind does not feel like it's going to erupt anymore and I have you to thank for that. For words, for prayer mats, for faith and for laughter, I am infinitely grateful. I am infinitely blessed.

Thank you for listening.


Friday, May 11, 2012

oh how it reeks of memory -
a gulp of air
                   that i swallow in
                   the croaking of an old, stained swing
                                                       and how it sways defyingly
                                                  no, i will not have mercy because not this time -
                                                   not this time have i swayed and swung
                                                   not this time have the winds sung
                                                 with me
                 but -
 here i lend a ear
to hear
that the breeze does carry my song still -
and the subtle sound of broken faith
and the hint of a prayer from Fate
                                                 so i turn my back
                                                 - and  i walk away