
Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Letter To No One.

Dear You,

The March winds have been kind to me and have brought me new words and thoughts and a lot to think about. I can hear the evening settling on my city because the birds are loud as ever as the Sun is handing over the reins of the day to the night. I've been happy, by the grace of God and I've been able to soak in colours. The yellow of my bed-sheet, the chocolate brown skin of a friendly stranger that smiled at me, the brand new white paint on my wall. And most of all, I have not wanted to be a part of it, to melt into a rainbow and be eaten up by the big, brown earth. I've wanted it to be a part of me so that I can give it away and keep some for myself. And use in doodles when I sit down and draw in a dark class-room with a friend that I love and a friend who'd like to see what I draw. And what I write in a notebook that helps me collect colours.

And I have learnt not to underestimate Moments. They hold together a string of words or a gaze or a brilliant sight and hand them over to me gently, so I can take it, and keep it safe. So that it becomes a part of me. And what I do and how I think. And you and I, we've been part of Moments. And we could go on creating them if we say what we mean and learn to Look. For the good. In people and things. You and I, we are full of wonders. Wonderful.

It never ceases to fascinate me how brilliant people are. And can be. We are part of stories we have not written and part of tales we do not know of. And without us, there'd be a gaping hole in a plot we did not build. God works in strange ways, and I have faith. That somewhere out there, a story book, were it written, it would not be complete without me. Have faith. There is magic in the air. I could reach out for it and it would grasp me. And let me know that I am worthy of being part of this brilliantly intricate memoir called life. You and I, we're worthy of being part of God's fable. I am grateful.

There will be good days. I believe in them.

For wonders, for people who see greatness before it is noticed, for the moon and for ceiling fans, I am infinitely grateful, I am infinitely blessed.

Thank You for listening.


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