
Sunday, March 4, 2012

i've known the steady song of rain
and the steady sway of the coconut tree
shaking it's head and smiling at me
and we've known life as it is
perhaps the rainbow grew tired 
of smiling upside down
and rained on you and me
and we've let it even out, my dear
in blobs and carefully patterned fear
and now our souls are works of arts 
and the scents and sounds we've grown to love 
have been bleeding words on our paper hearts
here, take mine, give yours to me 
so we have just enough to read 
when the smiles have died away on
a rainy day
hold it close and keep it safe, do not let it blow away
- my paper heart

1 comment:

Tuba Khan said...

I will keep it safe. Promise. <3