
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

i will open my eyes to 
the sounds of summer and 
the drilling heat will pierce through my sleep 
and unfinished dreams -
but i will curl up and close my eyes inspite
and let it sting inside, because i will know then
that the winds do change and the trees,
they learn to smile again
but i, i've learnt by heart with unnerving ease
to trace the breeze
right back to you 
then let me be, and let me stay
let me build with air, but you may
stop by and tilt your head with a frowning brow and wonder, too
upon breathing in a thought or two that belonged to me
but found you instead -
until then i will swirl fingers through the orange of a candle light 
and let the rhythm of the flicker speak to me 
with quietude 
with hushed tones
about everything 
i have never known

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