
Saturday, April 2, 2011

They smiled again.

I know this is mostly just lame and stupid and doesn't make that much sense, know.

The rain beat loudly on the window,
Pattering through their silence,
And they just stared.
Their eyes grew dark, in fear of the storm,
And the thunder grew loud,
And the wolves started to howl in the distance.
And they were scared.
But one of them smiled.
He walked out the door, braving the storm,
And she followed with an umbrella.
And they smiled again.


The sweltering heat,
They were broken down - tired,
Frowning faces and dripping foreheads,
They had nowhere to go, but what was worse was
They were lost.
And they were on their own.
But one of them smiled.
She wiped off the sweat and set off with determination,
And he guided her way and found them a shade,
And they smiled again.


The tears fell, and people howled,
They were scared that everything was ending,
And they feared The End,
Their minds were baffled and they nearly gave up.
But one of them smiled.
The little child stood up, punching the air with his little fist,
And ran off in the distance.
And every body followed,
They found their way, a greater one,
And they smiled again.

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